
Blinx vs. Prince of Persia Prelude

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LordXamweth's avatar

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Time. It is ever flowing, ever present. There is nothing that cannot escape its power.

But what if you could control it?

And like our two combatants they use time to fight against evil

Xamweth: Blinx, the Time Sweeper.

Truth: The Prince Of Persia

Xamweth: He's Truth and I'm Xamweth, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!


The Prince
Age: Likely around 20's to 30's
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown

Truth: The Prince and his brother, Malik, were the sons of the Persian king, Sharaman, and Mehri, an Indian woman. Growing up in the palace of Babylon, the Prince was trained to use a sword by his older brother Malik as their father was often away fighting wars. He used to sneak out from the throne room as a child, presumably to avoid responsibility or his education. He was also known for his kindness and good heart, often going out to speak with his people.

Xamweth: (nods) Mhm. The best royalty always were people of their people.

Truth: When he was older, the Prince traveled with his father to India where the Maharajah's Vizier promised the king to betray his master in exchange for his pick of the Maharajah's treasures.

Xamweth: Yes, because that will end SO well...

Truth: Sharaman accepted, and the Persians managed to conquer the Indians. Wanting the favor of his father, the Prince infiltrated the treasure vaults and stole the Dagger of Time which he kept as a souvenir, ultimately angering the Vizier.

Truth: The victorious Persians stopped in Azad, where Sharaman decided to present the Hourglass containing the Sands of Time to its Sultan. The Sultan found the Hourglass intriguing as the Vizier claimed that the glow of the Hourglass hid a marvel which could only be unlocked by the Dagger. The Prince unlocked the Hourglass with the Dagger almost instantly and unleashed the Sands Of Time upon Persia.

Xamweth: Remember, kids: the moral of the story is NEVER TRUST A TRAITOR.

Truth: Following that, The Prince went on a gigantic journey which spanned four video games in which he ultimately stopped the Sands control over Persia as well as its control over himself.

Xamweth: Wait, what?! That's it? You're just gonna leave it hanging right there; no details?

Truth: At least it's not ten feet tall.

Xamweth: WHAT?! THE!? How di-?! … Gahhh, walked STRAIGHT into that one...

Truth: Yes, yes you did

Physical Capabilities:
- Can break through thin stone walls with single handed weapons
- Can move heavy rocks and boulders around with ease
- Can run, climb and fight for a long periods of time without tiring out
Endurance & Durability:
- Can survive deadly blows, falls from long heights, and severe injuries
- Can still fight even with said injuries
Speed, Reflexes & Agility:
- Almost-Superhuman
- Fastest human in the Sands of Time Trilogy
- Can dodge speeding arrows
- Can fight up to ten enemies while unharmed using his speed
- Outran the Dahaka using the Dagger Of Time
- Using his skills of speed, reflexes, and agility, The Prince can perform impossible feats

Truth: As you can see The Prince is a very physical person

Xamweth: Yeah, someone who can break through stone walls, survive deathly wounds and outrun the physical embodiment of fate itself isn't exactly someone you want as an enemy...

Truth: Touché, but he is even better with when you look at his skills

Master Free-Runner & Acrobat:
- Superhuman-like
- Learned in his childhood on the rooftops and streets
- Can perform impossible/incredible feats like wall-jumping and wall-running (known as "Wall-Riding")
- Uses these skills to support his fighting capabilities as well as his speed, reflexes, & agility abilities
Master Swordsman:
- Taught to him by his brother
- Uses a unique fighting style that uses superhuman-like techniques and moves
- Defeated the Dahaka in a sword fight
Skilled in Various Types of Weaponry
Skilled in Unarmed Combat:
- Uses punches and kicks reminiscent of Martial Art moves
Expert Assassin:
- Passed through the heavily guarded Babylon with ease
- Can kill men in seconds using stealth
Skilled Marksman
Indomitable Will:
- Defied his own fate
- Possessed the spirit of a true warrior
- Nothing can stop him when he knows his purpose
- Survived a mental battle with his darker half
Skilled Leader, Horseman, and Sailor

Xamweth: Damn; if he were around today, all the world's governments would be screwed if he decided to go after them...

Truth: Considering he is as skilled at acrobatics as Nightwing and he has enough assassin skills to put Ezio to shame, yeah you are right

Xamweth: Yeah, well let's move on to weapons!

Dagger Of Time:
- Prince's trademark weapon
- An artifact of time
- Lets the wielder reverse, stop, or slow time
- Contains a portion of the Sands of Time in its handle-grip
- Protects the wielder from changes/alterations in the timeline
- Can be used to stab and slash like a normal weapon
- Allows the wielder to use various time powers
- Made of an unknown substance (possibly metal) that makes the blade shine blue at times
Medallion Of Time:
- An artifact of time
- Prevents the carrier from turning into a Sand Creature
- Grants additional time powers upon the wearer
- Houses a small amount of the Sands of Time
- Gives the carrier more resistance to damage
King's Sword:
- Glows thanks to its markings
- Can break damaged stone walls and kill sand monsters with ease
- Can still kill any normal enemy
- Can be used to slash like any normal weapon
- Dual-wields with the Dagger which makes both weapons more deadly

Truth: In battle, The Prince uses his trademark weapon, The Dagger Of Time along with The King's Sword

Xamweth: And that dagger is no regular weapon; it can mess with time like a dream, slowing, freezing and even reversing it! And as an added bonus, it prevents its wielder from any changes in the timeline!

Truth: And The King's Sword itself which is the bane of Sand Monsters themselves. He can somehow dual wield the dagger and the sword with keen efficiency

Xamweth: And let's not forget the Medallion of Time, which grants him more time powers and houses some Sand of its own. Speaking of which...

Time Powers:
The Power of Delay:
- Time is slowed down for everything, with the Prince moving slightly faster than his enemies
- Allows for finer control
-Makes attacks unblockable.
- Costs one sand/power tank to use
The Power of Revival:
- Power to rewind time up to ten seconds, which undoes almost everything that happened during that time
The Power of Restraint:
- Enemies stabbed by the Dagger of Time are frozen in time
- When knocked off their feet in this state, enemies can be killed in a single hit
- The enemy will return to normal after a few seconds
- Costs one sand/power tank to use
The Power of Haste:
- Combination of Delay and Restraint
- Power that freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next
- Enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet
- Consumes every sand/power tank
Eye of the Storm:
- Enhanced form of Delay
- Power that slows down time which allows for more effective attacks or more time to avoid traps
Breath of Fate:
- 360-degree sand explosion attack that blasts multiple enemies away from the Prince but does little damage
Wind of Fate:
- Stronger version of "Breath of Fate"
- Causes damage with a greater explosion as well as throwing enemies off their feet
Cyclone of Fate:
- Strongest ground attack
- Kills most enemies with a gigantic explosion
Ravages of Time:
- Allows the Prince to move at a faster rate through time, which allows him to attack at blinding speeds

Truth: What is The Prince without his time powers? He can slow down, speed up, rewind, and stop time with his time powers

Xamweth: As well as cause explosions of Sand with his Breathe of Fate and Wind of Fate. But the Prince's powers don't stop there, no sir!

Truth: I gave The Prince his Dijin Powers just because!

Dijin Powers:
Power of Time:
- Gives the user the ability to manipulate Time as in stopping, reversing, and slowing it down to an extent
Power Of Flow:
- Gives the user the ability to freeze water
Power Of Flight:
- Gives the user the ability to attack from a distance by turning into a streak of blue energy
Power of Memory:
- Allows the user to restore features such as walls and columns
Ice Blast:
- Lets the user create a wave of ice that damages enemies in its path
- Lets the user create a gust of wind that knocks enemies back
Trail of Flame:
- Lets the user create a trail of fire that follows the user, causing damage to any enemy that touch it
Stone Armor:
- Surrounds the user in stone armor that stops any oncoming damage

Xamweth: Ooh, so he's an elemental wielder? I never knew that!

Truth: In a way Xamweth, he gained the elemental dijin powers from Razia, a Marid to fight the Ifrit Ratash and his Sand Army

Xamweth: Fair enough; though the Prince does have his fair share of ... wait, does the guy even HAVE any weaknesses?

Truth: Aside from basic human mortality, only one, his reliance on his sand/power tanks

- Has fought through armies of men, the undead, beasts, and other monsters/creatures and defeated them
- Trained himself in acrobatics to a near-superhuman level
- Defeated the Ifrit Ratash and his Sand Army
- Defeated the Dahaka, a Guardian Of Time
- Defeated Kaileena, the Empress Of Time
- Fought and defeated the Vizier two times
- Changed his fate and escaped death
- Prevented the creation of the Sands of Time

- Relies on his power/sand tanks which run on the Sands of Time located in the Dagger, Medallion, and his body (somewhat)
- No other exploitable weaknesses

Xamweth: Still, the feats he's done are beyond impressive; he's bested armies of men, undead, and everything in between, defeated godlike entities, and even altered the timeline twice! If that doesn't spell 'badass', I don't know what will!

(I am the Prince of Persia, and the King of Blades!)


Occupation: Time Sweeper
Age: Unknown
Race: Cat

Xamweth: In the depths of the nether-realm that lies outside of the flow of Time, there exists the Time Factory. This facility is dedicated to the creation, distribution and maintenance of the flow of all Time throughout the multiverse. When glitches or corruptions in Time are discovered, the Time Factory dispatches secret agents known as Time Sweepers to correct them, for if left unchecked, these glitches manifest as Time Monsters that roam the dimensions and distort everything they touch.

Truth: Talk about a killer glitch!

Xamweth: Yeah, and the world B1Q64 was about to glitch up big time. The notorious Tom-Tom Gang were planning to disrupt the Time flow there and sell the resultant Time Crystals to the highest bidder. What they didn't count on, though, were the hordes of Time Monsters that resulted from their big heist.

Truth: Wait hold on! Who names a group of humanoid pigs, the Tom-Tom Gang?

Xamweth: No idea. Maybe all the smart guys were on holiday, and by the time they got back the name had stuck? Anyway, the guys in charge of the Time Factory decided to pull that whole 'needs of the many' thing and cut B1Q64's time flow off, freezing the world's time permanently.

Truth: Which messes up daylight savings time!

Xamweth: ... Really? A world is in danger of being either destroyed or essentially mercy-killed and THAT is what concerns you?

Truth: What I like to wake up early!

Xamweth: … Whatever, in any case, one Time Sweeper named Blinx got a letter from the world's princess begging for someone to save her home. And so, despite everyone else's misgivings, he grabbed his gear and headed for B1Q64 to prevent its destruction.

Truth: Wait a hero going on a deadly journey to save a world from destruction? Gee, where have we seen that before?

Xamweth: Actually, it would be easier to list all the times we HAVEN'T seen that before. And at the end, having blown up all the monsters and collected the Time Crystals, Blinx headed over to the city of Momentopolis, where the Tom-Tom Gang were hoarding their Time Crystal stash and holding the princess captive.

Truth: There's a princess?

Xamweth: Weren't you paying attention? She's the one who sent that letter to Blinx.

Truth: Oh....... I will shut up now…

Xamweth: Well, anyway, Blinx wanted to confront the thieves, but then everything went to pot pretty quick; all those Time Crystals reacted to each other, and the next thing anyone knew, there was an absolute beast of a Time Monster running around: the Time Golem, which had the power to control time. Blinx was quick to destroy the demon, thankfully, after a long and arduous battle, this saving B1Q64 from total annihilation.

Truth: It still didn't save his second game from being total crap. Masters Of Time and Space my ass......

Xamweth: ... Either way, Blinx proceeded to kick the Tom-Tom Gang out and restore the flow of Time to the world. After a heartfelt thanks from the princess, Blinx returned to the Time Factory, and was greeted with tons of praise and maybe a promotion, while the CEO announced that B1Q64 would not be cut off from the Time Factory.

Truth: And cue a touchy-feely after-credit moment with Blinx and the Princess

Xamweth: Yeah, whatever. Blinx's weapon of choice is the Sweeper, which is basically a vacuum cleaner that was repurposed to act as a gun: it sucks up random objects and shoots them back out like bullets.

A Time Sweeper’s main method of attack
Blinx’s most powerful Sweeper
Can quickly suck up objects weighing up to sixteen tons
Can suck up water, sand, and fire
Can hold up to ten items
Shoots projectiles with both ice and fire properties

Truth: Now that is how you use a vacuum!

Xamweth: Damn straight! And to make things interesting, I'm giving him his strongest Sweeper, the TS-X7 Supreme Level 3+, which can quickly suck up sand, fire, water and 16-TON WEIGHTS! It can also hold up to ten items, and shoot them back out with both fire and ice properties.

Truth: Never thought a vacuum cleaner could be that deadly

Xamweth: And it's made even more so with Time Controls! Like the Prince, Blinx can use these to slow, rewind and pause time. But unlike the Prince, he himself isn't affected by them, and he can fast-forward his own time to increase his speed and create a copy of himself with Record!

Allows Time Sweepers to control the flow of time
- Stops the flow of time
- Sweepers are unaffected by this Control
- Slows the flow of time to half its normal speed
- Sweepers move at normal speed
- Reverses the flow of time
- Sweepers are unaffected by this Control
Fast Forward
- Speeds the flow of time for Sweepers to double speed
- Sweepers are invincible while using this command, but only for one hit
- Copies the Sweeper’s actions for a short time, then rewinds that time and creates a copy of the Sweeper that does exactly what the Sweeper did while the Record was being used
- Sweepers are invincible while using this command
- Enemies will only see the copy
- If the Sweeper is killed, then a Retry will rewind time to a point where a Sweeper is about to be killed, with more than enough time to evade what would’ve killed them
Sweepers can hold up to ten Time Controls (excluding Retries), and nine Retries

Truth: Heck he can even retry things when he dies!
But the unique aspect of the Time Controls is that it runs on Time Crystals

Glitches in Time in crystalline form
Allows Sweepers to replenish their Time Controls
- Blue Crescents restore Pause Control
- Yellow Stars restore Slow Control
- Purple Crosses restore Rewind Control
- Orange Pyramids restore Fast Forward Control
- Green Diamonds restore Record Control
- Red Hearts restore Retries
Can only be collected in sets of four and in a certain order, or else they are lost
- Three-of-a-kind restores one Time Control
- Four-of-a-kind restores two Time Controls

Xamweth: Ah yes, these crystalline forms of time glitches are used by Time Sweepers to replenish their Time Controls or Retries. However, they can only be collected in groups of four, and if at least three of them aren't of the same type, they're gone.

Truth: Kind of a suckish energy source if you ask me

Xamweth: Well, at least 'Blinx 2' fixed that problem... Anyway, Blinx can only carry nine Retries and ten Time Controls at any one time. Doesn't matter if they're all the same type or all different; once he hits ten, picking up Time Crystals is meaningless.

Truth: Yeah meaningless as calling a game after the main character who is only in the cutscenes! Curse you Blinx 2!

Xamweth: Yeah, that wasn't a clever move on Microsoft's part...

Truth: You think?! Wait please tell me this cat has weaknesses …

Xamweth: Well...

Each Time Control only lasts ten seconds each
Blinx possesses no means of close-range combat
Sweepers can only contain ten objects at a time
In-game, Blinx cannot even withstand a single hit without Retries
- Sometimes Retries can fail to function properly

Those Time Controls he's carting around only last ten seconds each, so if he screws up, he won't have much time to correct it. Also, Blinx is fully reliant on his Sweeper for combat; he has no skills in close combat, and if the ten objects he's using are used up, the dude's defenseless.

Truth: Wow....... Does he have any feats though?

Xamweth: Well, considering he was intended to be the Xbox mascot, he was meant to have a lot of them, but the B1Q64 disaster's the only one that really sticks out...

Truth: So his only feat is that he prevented the destruction of B1Q64?

Xamweth: By himself, while the very fabric of time was collapsing around him.

Truth: And defeating time monsters as well.......

Xamweth: Shame Microsoft blew it with Blinx 2; he could've really gone far...

(Blinx rushes to the portal to B1Q64. We see a close-up of Blinx's determined face before he jumps through the portal.)

Blinx the Time Sweeper vs. The Prince of Persia! Two noble heroes enter the ring with the power to manipulate time itself at their fingertips!

Made alongside :iconthetruth40:.

By the way, the 'ten-foot-tall' quote is a reference to my original Sparrow profile, where the History took up more than half the profile...

Preview image made by ME!
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thetruth40's avatar
Well this'll be fun